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Hearst Project Research

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Hearst magazines claims that they strive to 'create premium, purposeful content that helps our readers strive, thrive, and get more out of life.' They publish many of the UK's best known magazines and therefore have a reputation to uphold. In my own work, I will strive to create informative and eye-catching content to match the company's aims of allowing readers to really get something from their reading experience. I will also keep my content positive and use accessible language so as not to isolate any readers.

Hearst's target audiences vary over the 21 magazine brands they publish, having a larger female audience of 1 in 3 women compared to 1 in 4 men purchasing their magazines. Despite this I am still keen to target a younger male audience of 16-25 year-olds as I feel there is a bigger gap in the market for another men's magazine because out of the brands that Hearst publish, my target audience isn't catered for.

The digital age is bringing an end to physical copies of news and magazines, however a study suggests that people still prefer to purchase a magazine to read in-person. An old report by suggests the UK printing market is predicted to decline by 0.1% per annum to £23.2 billion by 2020 due to virtual and online media reducing the demand for printed products, which did not take into account the devastating and catalytic effects of covid 19. With this in mind, a lot of effort needs to go into my website to make it accessible and interesting to use as this would be the main focus for magazines moving to become predominantly online.

Digital Details

Hearst have 17 million digital UK users and reach over 22 million fans and followers across their other social platforms my magazine will have to appeal to the masses. This brief cannot become too niche and in the interest of keeping in line with Hearst's ways of operating I have to think of the majority, the average male of 16-25.

This Women's Health magazine follows typical codes and conventions associated with a magazine targeted at women. They have used a pink and blue colour palette with the masthead in pink which is linked with the idea of femininity and beauty. The subjects costume matches the background, drawing focus to her uncovered skin as she poses confidently, maintaining a direct gaze with the camera. The plugs all anchor to the masthead, discussing health and beauty in many sub-categories.

Again, the Men's Health magazine also appeals to its target demographic very well. The colour palette is associated with stereotypical masculinity with the bold red and black colour scheme. The typography covers more space and attracts the eye better. Again even the bold and noticeable typography attracts a male audience more as it appears more masculine and conveys strength. Again, there is a direct gaze to the camera and the magazine has used an idolised celebrity figure to attract an audience keen to read about him.

Link to their website:

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