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  • 21macdonaldt

Final Ideas- Website

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

For my website I'm looking to follow a distinctive colour palette that appeals to a younger audience but doesn't appear childish. I am looking at greens, blues and oranges as they also coincide with the time of year and the autumnal season accordingly.

A direct gaze is important to my front cover as it appears more personal, and I need to ensure that I vary the fonts used to add dimension and not over-use my main font 'Quick'.


- Bold heading made clear that Hearst owns them

- Variety of posts covering sports, music, fashion and hobbies

- Candid shots, in-action shots, cooking, portraits

-Colourful attractive titles in different sections

GQ website is high quality imagery with a wide variety of coverage from lifestyle to fashion and health. There are sub sections and separate links with ads and a lot of colour which I intend to replicate in my own work.

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